
Historical Security Council
1. Negotiating the demands of the Treaty of Versaille (January 18th, 1919)
2. Solving the Suez Canal Crisis

Security Council
1. Stabilizing Georgias political state
2. Reinstating UNRWA operations in the West Bank

General Assembly I (DISEC)
1. Addressing the consequences of piracy in international waters
2. Addressing the role of armed militias and ensuring their continued disarmament

International Childrens Fund
1. Tackling Childrens involvement in gang associated crimes
2. The issues in the juvenile justice system

Human Rights Committee
1. Ensuring accountability for law enforcement
2. Addressing systematic racism and discrimination against minority groups

World Health Organization
1. Preventing the rise of nicotine usage
2. Discussing the prevention of the spread of the loneliness epidemic

International Court of Justice
1. India vs Pakistan: Kashmir
2. Australia vs Japan whaling case

UN Women
1. Addressing the issues of adolescence pregnancy
2. Evaluating the enforcement of gender equality laws globally

1. The effects of hyperinflation in post-colonialist countries
2. The monopoly of the US Dollar on the world trade